
Physio Therapy

Massage Therapy

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is the treatment of disease, injury or weakness in the joints or muscles by means of exercise, massage and the use of specialist electrotherapeutic and electrophysical agents, such as shockwave therapy.

It is designed to improve function in affected
areas and can also help to reduce the risk of further injury or weakness going forward.
Physiotherapy is suitable for the treatment of a very wide range of conditions in patients of all ages.

Treatment is tailored to the patient’s own needs,
which can include reduced pain, improved strength or greater range of motion, and often involves a mixture of clinical sessions and exercise programmes to be followed at home, as well as guidance on lifestyle changes you can make to improve your symptoms.

What conditions do you treat?

What can I expect during treatment?

Initial consultation

On arrival at the clinic, you will be guided through a detailed clinical consultation which will allow
your physiotherapist to gain a deeper understanding of your symptoms and their potential causes.
You can expect to be asked about your day-to-day activities, your medical history and your symptoms, as well as certain lifestyle questions (including diet, exercise and drinking/smoking habits).
This enables your physiotherapist to be confident that physiotherapy is going to be a safe and effective treatment option.

Physical examination

During your consultation, your physiotherapist will carry out a structured physical exam.
This will allow your physiotherapist to establish which movements and postures improve or worsen your symptoms, and to understand the mechanisms which may be contributing to your discomfort. This exam can include, but is not limited to:

Active and Passive Range of Motion (AROM & PROM) Assessment:
Strength and Power Assessment:
Other Tests:

What therapies are available?

Alongside advice and education around simple changes you can make in your daily life that could
help to reduce your symptoms and improve your functionality, your treatment programme will include one or more of the following categories of therapy:

The Body Wellness Clinic Spine
Professional Member of the CThA
Complementary and Natural Health Care Council Certified Complementary Health Practitioner”

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